Commercial Floor Coatings for
a Clean, Durable Look

Freshen Up Your High-Traffic Areas

Whether you’d like to spruce up your garage or give your warehouse a more finished, professional look, Blankenship Paint & Glass has a wide selection of floor coatings to choose from. Aesthetically pleasing, durable, and easy to clean, our floor coatings are the perfect option for your high-traffic areas.

Floor Coatings with a Solid Foundation

At Blankenship Paint & Glass, we know that the most successful floor coatings rely on a properly-prepared first layer. Our team of experts are able to assess the quality and state of your existing floor in order to recommend the best option for your space.

A Wide Variety of Floor Coating Choices

We can provide a simple epoxy finish, a chemical-resistant urethane, or any of our countless decorative finishes. These finishes include concrete etching stain, broadcast quartz, and acrylic flecks. Concrete polishing is another decorative, durable option that we provide.

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