Vinyl Wall Covering Experts for the Tri-State Area and Beyond

A Versatile Commercial or Residential Option

What used to be a primarily commercially-used decor option, vinyl wall coverings have now made their mark in the residential market. Durable, long-lasting, and available in an endless variety of textures and colors, vinyl wall coverings could be just what you need to make your space your own.

An Exciting Design Choice

When we say that vinyl wall coverings are versatile, we’re not kidding! Whether you’re looking for a complex pattern, a solid, subtle color, or somewhere in between, our selection of vinyl wall coverings offers the freedom to explore exciting new design possibilities. With the popularity of accent walls increasing over the years, we’re thrilled to be able to offer this simple way to add drama to a room.

Durable Enough To Stay Beautiful For Years

Most vinyl wall coverings are surprisingly durable. Scratch resistant, flame retardant, easy-to-install, and easy to clean, these wall coverings are durable enough to last up to 15 years while still staying vibrant and beautiful.

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