Residential Painting Experts for the Tri-State Area and Beyond

Stunning and Dependable Residential Painting Services

Whether you own your own home or own properties that others call home, investing in a well-painted residence can go a long way toward a feeling of safety, comfort, and longevity. The experts at Blankenship Paint & Glass keep a close eye on current trends and best practices, so you can trust that your residential painting project is in good hands.

The Best Customer Service in Residential Painting Services

We have every confidence in the work we do, including the customer service we provide! We may have experts working in the field, but we also have them working hard in our offices to provide the most stress-free experience possible. When you choose Blankenship, you can count on an experience that prioritizes your satisfaction and trust.

Let us take care of all of your painting needs.

Successful projects always start with an accurate estimate, which is exactly what we do! We would love to talk to you about your next big project. Find out what to expect with a free quote from Blankenship Paint & Glass.

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